What Do Otters Eat

What Do Otters Eat

Otters primarily eat fish and crustaceans. They also consume insects, small mammals, and birds. Otters are playful creatures with an appetite that leans heavily towards aquatic delicacies. Their dining preferences include fish such as trout and perch, and they relish a variety of crustaceans like crabs and crayfish. As carnivorous mammals, otters exhibit opportunistic feeding … Read more

Do Otters Lay Eggs

Do Otters Lay Eggs

No, otters do not lay eggs. They are mammals which give birth to live young. Otters are fascinating creatures that capture the interest of wildlife enthusiasts and casual observers alike. Known for their playful antics and intelligent behaviors, otters belong to a group of animals known as mustelids, which also includes weasels, badgers, and ferrets. … Read more

Can You Own an Otter in California

Can You Own an Otter in California

No, you cannot legally own an otter in California. State law prohibits it. Understanding local laws is crucial when considering exotic pet ownership. California has some of the strictest wildlife ownership laws in the United States. These regulations are in place to protect native ecosystems and public safety. They prevent the keeping of otters as … Read more